by Ken Wood
Imagine touring Israel with best story-telling tour guide, the most knowledgeable historian and bibl...
Imagine touring Israel with best story-telling tour guide, the most knowledgeable historian and biblical theologian all rolled into one person. This describesIsrael Sites.The Jerusalem Post calls it, "A Powerhouse of an app. One of the top five apps on Israel to get."Features more sites than any other Israel travel app:• 260 of the top tourist Sites in Israel with full map interface, and complete biblical references.• 60 plus Resources on culture and life in Israel,• A Notes section to journal and email your own thoughts and photos while in Israel.Like no other app, Israel Sites, provides a treasure trove of extensive information on all things biblical, historical, archaeological and cultural in Israel. If there is something significant about a site recorded in the Bible or in history before, during or after the biblical periods, it will be in Israel Sites. If in print, the info in Israel Sites would fill 1,400 page book. Its photos alone would fill a 400 page coffee table-sized book.Each site interfaces, via GPS, with Google Maps. In Map Mode, you can see Street Map, Satellite and Hybrid views of the site. With the “Pin Drop” feature you can locate other sites nearbyand easily toggle to their information pages. Then, delve into over 100 entries in the ResourcesMode to broaden your understanding of the customs and culture of ancient and modern Israel. A vast array of modern and historic photos and maps are included throughout the Sites and Resources Modes.Israel Sites is a tourist’s dream app. The Notes Mode provides a way to journal, photograph, and email your experiences back to friends and family, while still in Israel.Finally, enjoy the award-winning music of Portals To Heaven.On more important sites, the information is accompanied by an additional collection of interesting photos, historic maps, and art—all scalable for close-up viewing.The purpose of Israel Sites is to enrich each person's experience while in Israel and deepen their connection with their faith and with Israel. The enrichment process can begin before one travels to Israel or continue after one returns home.Veteran tour guides will benefit from Israel Sites extensive research. Tour operators can enhance their client’s experience by gifting the app or by encouraging each tour participant to download a copy of the Israel Sites app on their iPads, iPhones, and iPod Touches. They will be some of the most informed guides and tourists in Israel with excellent, in-depth information at their fingertips for ready reference.The increased client satisfaction rates Israel Sites will generate for tour operators, will translate into stronger recommendations and repeat business.Ministers, Rabbis, Bible teachers and students will find its vast database of information and inspirational insights useful for sermons, lessons and research papers.The Israel Sites research and editorial team includes many who have either lived in Israel, conducted tours, written about or traveled in the Holy Land. All have a love for Israel. The team has poured over study manuals, travel guides, encyclopedias, histories, source documents, archeological field reports, websites, Bible dictionaries, and the Bible itself, to make sure the Israel Sites app user gets information that is thorough, hard-to-find, inspirational and entertaining.